National   Society  Magna  Charta  Dames and Barons

Established 1909

Note: This is a new program and we welcome suggestions for implementation.


Welcome to the Partners Program for our Society to include those who share commitment to our purposes but who are not members of our Society. Membership in our Society will continue to be based on descent from a qualifying ancestor. If you know of someone who might wish to be a Partner please let us know. The reason for doing this is that I have increasingly recognized that there are non members who share commitment to our purposes and could help us with implementation.

There are two ways to become a MAGNA CHARTA PARTNER which is provided on an annual basis. The first and easiest is to submit a contribution to the Society (minimum $100.00 for 2009). The second is to submit a statement reflecting your active service in support of the purposes. You may also submit an application on behalf of an ancestor or relative provided you include birth and death dates, as applicable.

The evaluation of the service application will be made by a Magna Charta Partners Council initially consisting of members of the Society with eventual expansion to include some Magna Charta Partners.

We are attaching an Application Form to complete and return. Note that if a service application is made that the service should be described on a separate page.

Application Link

Please contact our office with questions.

Lewis L. "Ted" Neilson, Jr.
Chancellor, National Society
Magna Charta Dames and Barons
P.O. Box 4222, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Office Phone: 215-836-5022
Office Fax: 215-836-5056



Copyright 2007 National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons